Blossom Pediatric Therapy Provides the Following:
Fine Motor/Visual Motor/Handwriting Services For:
Poor writing and drawing skills
Difficulty cutting with scissors
Difficulty with eye-hand coordination activities such as eating
with utensils, manipulating toys, throwing/catching a ball
Difficulty with snapping/buttoning/zipping/tying
Unusual grasp on pencil, scissors, feeding utensils
Weak hand strength
Gross Motor/Coordination/Sensory-Motor Planning Services For:
General “clumsiness”
Difficulty in sports due to poor coordination
Difficulty navigating playground equipment
Sensory Processing/Integration Services For:
Sensitive to or avoids noise, touch or movement
Excessively craves noise, touch or movement
Balance and coordination difficulties
Feeding and Oral-Motor Services For:
Difficulty with nursing, bottle feeding or transitioning to cup drinking
Failure to Thrive or limited weight gain
Limited tolerance for varied foods, “picky eaters”
Infant Massage Classes (Individual or Group) For:
Normal, healthy babies
Preterm babies
Failure to Thrive
Drug-Affected Babies
Babies with “tight muscles” or high muscle tone
Diagnoses Served:
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) including Asperger’s Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Congenital and Genetic Disorders
Chromosomal Disorders
Developmental Delays
Down Syndrome
Learning Disabilities
Neuromuscular Disorders
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
Traumatic Brain Injury